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River Birch Candles: Crafting Memories, One Flame at a Time

 Our Founders: Shane and Erica Washington

Shane and Erica Washington, high school sweethearts who tied the knot in 2018, have always shared a love for creating meaningful experiences together. Their journey from a young couple in love to entrepreneurs is a testament to their shared vision, passion, and dedication.

The Spark of Inspiration

Erica has always had a deep love for candles, filling their home with warm, inviting scents that created a cozy atmosphere. Shane, ever the thoughtful partner, decided to make a special gift for Erica: a handmade candle. As he delved into the art of candle making, he discovered the harsh reality of toxins present in many commercial candles. As he began creating candles, he was determined to create a safe, high-quality candle that didn’t compromise on scent or burn quality.

The Birth of River Birch Candles

Shortly after their wedding, Shane and Erica launched River Birch Candles. Named after the sturdy and resilient river birch tree, their brand symbolizes their commitment to quality and sustainability. Each candle is crafted with love and care, using clean ingredients to ensure a long-lasting burn with a rich fragrance.

Growing Beyond Expectations

As River Birch Candles gained popularity, Shane and Erica received numerous requests from businesses wanting custom candles branded with their own logos and designs. Recognizing an opportunity to expand their passion and expertise, they decided to offer private label services. Their commitment to quality and customer satisfaction quickly made River Birch Candles the largest private label candle company in Texas.

Our Offerings Today

Today, River Birch Candles boasts an impressive range of 30 vessel options and over 100 unique scents, catering to businesses of all sizes. Whether you're a small boutique or a large corporation, we provide customized candle solutions that elevate your brand and create memorable experiences for your customers.

Our Promise

At River Birch Candles, we believe that every flame tells a story. From the moment you light one of our candles, you're not just filling a room with fragrance; you're creating a memory, setting a mood, and sharing a piece of our journey. We are committed to crafting candles that are safe, sustainable, and simply unforgettable.

Join us in illuminating the world, one candle at a time.

Shane and Erica Washington

Founders, River Birch Candles